
7 Creative Onboarding Hacks: Best Practices for Winning New Hires

Transform your new hires into enthusiastic supporters with these digital employee onboarding strategies!

Onboarding – the critical phase when new employees step into the world of your company. This is your chance to transform them into enthusiastic supporters of your organization. And it's not just about flashy swag (though, we won't deny its appeal). It's about creating a memorable experience that lays the groundwork for a successful partnership. So, buckle up and let's dive into these 7 speedy onboarding hacks that'll make your new hires your company's biggest fans!

1. The Warm Welcome: Be Their Go-To Team

First impressions matter – a lot. Make sure your new hires feel welcomed, valued, and ready to be part of the team from day one. Set up a friendly welcome email, have their desk prepared with a personalized nameplate, and consider a small welcome gift. Assign a buddy or mentor to help them navigate the ins and outs of your organization. The goal? Be their go-to team from the get-go.

2. The Grand Tour: Make Them Feel at Home

Your new employees need to know their way around, both physically and virtually. Give them a guided tour of the office, pointing out key areas like the break room, restrooms, and meeting spaces. Don't forget to introduce them to their colleagues and any important tools or platforms they'll be using. Feeling at home in their new environment is crucial for a smooth start.

3. The Quick Wins: Build Confidence Early

Nothing boosts morale like the taste of success. Set your new hires up for some quick wins – small, achievable tasks that will make them feel productive and valuable. This early confidence-building will encourage them to take on bigger challenges and contribute more effectively to your organization.

4. The Training Wheel: Speedy, Engaging Learning

Time is of the essence, and nobody wants to spend their first days drowning in manuals or tedious training sessions. Opt for engaging, bite-sized learning modules that can be easily absorbed. Use a mix of media like videos, quizzes, and interactive scenarios to keep your new hires hooked and eager to learn more.

5. The Feedback Loop: Open Communication Channels

New employees may have questions or concerns as they settle in. Establish an open line of communication from day one, inviting them to share their thoughts and feedback. This will not only make them feel heard and supported but also allow you to address any potential issues before they become bigger problems.

6. The Social Connection: Fostering Friendships

Workplace friendships can make a world of difference in employee engagement and satisfaction. Encourage your new hires to mingle and bond with their teammates by organizing social events, virtual coffee breaks, or team-building activities. Creating a sense of camaraderie will help them feel more connected to your organization.

7. The Check-in: Show You Care

Lastly, don't just set them loose and hope for the best. Regularly check in with your new employees to see how they're settling in, answer any questions, and offer guidance. This demonstrates your ongoing commitment to their success and creates a positive working relationship.

A fantastic onboarding experience can turn new employees into your company's biggest fans in no time. By following these 7 speedy onboarding hacks, you'll set them up for success and ensure they're ready to champion your organization from day one. Now go forth and conquer that onboarding challenge!

Looking for something more? Use Fallcha’s web app to make your onboarding smarter and faster.

Fallcha gives you a personalised space for the new hire, their buddy, and the team. You can create plans from scratch, using AI, or choose one from our library of templates. Our smart scheduling saves you time by checking calendars and suggesting free slots for meetings and events….all this plus real-time feedback so you can learn and improve your plans. And it is free to try out!!