
How to be a good onboarding buddy [template]

Use our template to ensure onboarding buddies know what to do and why it is important.

Enhance your onboarding buddy experiences

Are you ready to be an onboarding buddy but not quite sure where to start? Look no further than our onboarding buddy resource, designed to help you enhance the onboarding experience for both you and the new hire.

Our easy-to-follow structure outlines the key characteristics and roles of a good onboarding buddy, as well as the benefits and recommended meetings to ensure a successful onboarding journey. Plus, with our Notion template, you can easily implement these strategies and become the best onboarding buddy possible.


Key characteristics of a good Onboarding Buddy

Role of an Onboarding Buddy

Benefits of an Onboarding Buddy

Recommended Buddy meetings

👉 Grab the Notion template here

onboarding buddy - free notion template

Looking for something more? Use Fallcha’s web app to make your onboarding smarter and faster.

Fallcha gives you a personalised space for the new hire, their buddy, and the team. You can create plans from scratch, using AI, or choose one from our library of templates. Our smart scheduling saves you time by checking calendars and suggesting free slots for meetings and events….all this plus real-time feedback so you can learn and improve your plans. And it is free to try out!!